Sunday, 16 November 2008

Birmingham Parking Policy Consultation

Birmingham City Council is developing a new Parking Policy. Over time, the Council has developed a number of separate policies to deal with parking. This strategy is intended to bring together and update existing elements of the City Council’s Parking Policies including the Unitary Development Plan and Visions, together with recent changes in national legislation, so as to be a comprehensive approach to managing on street and off street parking, provision, control and enforcement.

The parking policy will provide the policy framework for effective parking management, which is supportive of the City Council’s strategic objectives for integrated land use and transport planning, environment, social inclusion, economic prosperity and regeneration: all important elements of sustainable development.

The policy document deals with:

Parking for people with mobility difficulties, including the Blue Badge scheme
Non-car modes such as cycles, powered two-wheel vehicles, buses, coaches, taxis and lorries
On street parking supply and charges
Off street parking supply and charges
Park & Ride
Supporting Measures such as Travelwise and Car Clubs

In addition, the document includes the city's draft parking standards which will be used for planning purposes in determining the appropriate level of car parking provision in new developments. These will become part of the City's Local Development Framework and will be consulted on formally in 2009.

There's a short online questionnaire here.

or fill it in and post it to:

Parking Policy Consultation
Transportation Strategy & Development
Birmingham City Council
B4 7BR

Consultation will close on 31 December 2008.

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