Friday, 23 October 2009

Letter Published in Local Transport Today

Tony Armstrong of Living Streets (LTT letters, 9 Oct) is typical of campaigners who promote exaggerated claims about climate and CO2 in order to underpin their otherwise shaky agendas. Climate change is always ‘happening’ but uncertainty remains about the causes and whether or not natural variability has been exceeded.

Tony’s claim that the BBC presents climate ‘facts’ objectively is demonstrably ridiculous. Ex-newsreader Peter Sissons recently expressed concern over the BBC’s one-sided presentation of climate science enthusiastically carried out by environment correspondents such as Richard Black and Roger Harrabin. Remember Harrabin caving in to threats from ‘climate campaigner’ Jo Abbess by altering his ‘Global temperatures to decrease’ website story? It was me that exposed this affront to licence fee payers. No doubt similar dirty tricks have been tried with LTT.

Clearly, the very mention of cooling or a lack of warming sends climate alarmists into a panic. The decade of temperature stagnation since 1998 is established in the scientific literature, along with the ‘missing’ 0.2°C temperature rise that enhanced greenhouse warming should have brought us in the 21st century so far.

This lack of warming wasn’t predicted by the climate models that the climate scare is based on. The infamous ‘Hockey Stick’ graph, deceitfully used to claim that the modern warm period is unprecedented, has been dealt a final, fatal blow by the disclosure (after nine years of asking) of the cherry-picked data used to construct it.

Furthermore, the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) has ‘lost’ or destroyed the raw instrumental temperature data used by the likes of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), rendering the magnitude of the temperature rise unverifiable. There is also ample evidence from peer reviewed science of a 30% to 50% warm bias in the global average near surface temperature data.

Santer et al (2008) only used data up to 1999 in order to declare that computer models of greenhouse warming are consistent with the trends in the tropical lower troposphere. But if the data up to 2008 is used, then the models are shown to be inconsistent.

Tony cites Sir Nicholas Stern’s review of climate change economics to support his case but peer reviewed criticism of Stern’s report demonstrated that the future costs of extreme weather events in developed countries were overestimated by an order of magnitude and that this overestimate was extended globally. Prominent economist Richard Tol dismissed the Stern Review as “alarmist and incompetent”. UK climate policy is described as “on course to fail” in a peer-reviewed critique.

Chinese President Hu Jintao has certainly joined other political sheep and embraced climate policy mythology. But if China has figured out how to grow its economy at 9% per year while increasing energy use by only 3% and decarbonising its economy at an even lower amount, then I’ll become a member of Living Streets!

In short, current climate policy lacks a sound scientific basis and political feasibility.

Paul Biggs, Environment spokesman – Association of British Drivers, Tamworth Staffs B77


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